Artificial Intelligence on how to succeed on Medium

Maciej Zalwert
3 min readMay 5, 2021
Image by fauxels from Pexels

Every time when I look for any quality content on the web it usually brings me to articles on Medium. I’m mainly interested with publications on data science, artificial intelligence or programming where the quality matters. From my point of view, quality authors with quality articles have turned Medium one of the most successful content publishing platforms on the Internet. It offers lots of knowledge and, in the era of remote work, many possibilities… well, no wonder it has attracted so many writers.

But, how to take advantage of these opportunities as a writer? How to succeed and become a top author on Medium?

Curious to know what it takes to make articles popular I programmed and trained an “AI” algorithm called LexRank to find out the answer. In short, LexRank is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) model that is able to analyze the huge amount of text and extract the most vital phrases (theory with examples can be found here).

Let’s see results!

Key findings given by the model

I discovered that sentences highlighted by the model can be grouped into three main topics concerning stories, social media and being patience.

Hint 1: Outstanding Story



Maciej Zalwert
Maciej Zalwert

Written by Maciej Zalwert

Experienced in building data-intensive solutions for diverse industries

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